
This post was originally intended for a cohost! audience.

new website

A screenshot of the website at the time of the post. There's a sidebar on the left, with the following elements arranged vertically: exodrifter logo, cohost link, discord link, twitch link, horizontal rule, bandcamp link, github link, link, ko-fi link, mastodon link, patreon link, soundcloud link, steam link, twitter link, vods link. The main content to the right of the sidebar is titled "games" and is followed by a three slightly darker boxes arranged vertically containing the title, release year, working title, status of the work, and a description of the work for the games lost contact, voluntary commitment, and gender dysphoria.

I made new business cards, so I wanted to update my website as well! You can see the new design here:

The old website was just a clutter of icons on a video background:

A blue background with glowing squares fading into the distance with a black, slightly transparent box ontop. It has the exodrifter logo followed by buttons arranged in a 3x4 grid, with links to bandcamp, cohost, discord, github,, ko-fi, mastodon, patreon, soundcloud, twitch, twitter, and vods from left to right, then top to bottom.

There were a few things I wanted to fix about that:

  • It’s not clear which links are more “important”.
  • It’s not very clear what I’m about.

So, I updated the website to prominently display only three links: cohost! (the wonderful site you are on right now), Discord, and Twitch. Then, I added a short portfolio to the side. I’m pretty happy with it!