First Godot PR

A few days ago I was floored when I finally found a code crime in Godot: a function which lies about what it does.

func is_hole(outline: PackedVector2Array) -> bool:
	# Note that holes are counter-clockwise, but Godot's function
	# to detect clockwise polygons is backwards.
	# See godotengine/godot#49716
	return Geometry2D.is_polygon_clockwise(outline)

Infuriatingly, I found out that this problem had been identified two years ago and no one has fixed it. TWO Y— oh yeah, that’s right. I’m not using Unity3D anymore, Godot is open source, I can actually fix things like this now.

So, I took a bit of time this morning to fork Godot, make the corresponding changes, and open a pull request.

What a nice experience! My time with Godot continues to outshine Unity3D at every turn.

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