Moonfall (2022) is a science-fiction disaster film directed by Roland Emmerich about the two former astronauts and a conspiracy theorist who discover that the Moon is a megastructure — a Dyson sphere powered by a white dwarf — after it suddenly changes orbit. The movie was inspired by the book Who Built the Moon?. 1
I found the story to be very cheesy and bad. I didn’t find even the story to be so bad that it was good, though the visuals made it enjoyable enough for me to watch. 1
There is a hint of a paradigm shift story, but it falls short. While the characters in the story are affected by the changes caused by the degradation of the Moon’s orbit, the story does not depict a change in perspective among society at large. Similarly, the main characters who save Earth come into information that would change society’s current understanding of human origin, but the film ends before this information causes a change in society. 1