In no signal I’m trying to add a new embedded window, for a total of two embedded windows: the notes window and the map window. I want the user to be able to show and hide these windows, but for some reason when I make a window visible and tell it to grab focus, the other window does not update its visual appearance to show that it is unfocused:
func _on_notes_button_pressed() -> void:
notes_ui.visible = not notes_ui.visible
if notes_ui.visible:
func _on_map_button_pressed() -> void:
map_ui.visible = not map_ui.visible
if map_ui.visible:
I wasn’t able to find a way to explicitly drop focus or find out why the other window was not dropping focus, so I worked around it by grabbing the focus of all of the other windows before grabbing the focus of the window I wanted to focus:
func _on_notes_button_pressed() -> void:
notes_ui.visible = not notes_ui.visible
if notes_ui.visible:
func _on_map_button_pressed() -> void:
map_ui.visible = not map_ui.visible
if map_ui.visible:
func focus_window(window_to_focus: Window) -> void:
# For some reason, focus isn't dropped when we focus the new window and
# there's no function to explicitly drop focus. So, to work around this
# we focus the window we want to unfocus right before we focus the
# window we want to focus
for window: Window in get_viewport().get_embedded_subwindows():
if window != window_to_focus: