Music lesson:
- Talked a bit about my music album future formant
- I think the worst track is idea, since it doesn’t do a great job of combining vocals and neurofunk
- I am most happiest with the creek next to my home, as it feels the closest I’ve ever gotten to the chill hip hop/downtempo stuff I listened to back when I first got into music. It also has a strong emotional part
- However, most of my music lacks the emotional dynamism that I would like.
- In particular, I want to analyze メルティランドナイトメア / はるまきごはん feat.初音ミク - Melty Land Nightmare because it has a lot of emotional dynamism while being similar to my music in that it doesn’t actually change that much.
- Royal road chord progression (4, 5, inverted 1, 6)
- There’s no resolution in the chord progression; there’s a constant rising feeling
- Using the 4 chord as its home so often
- Really tight intro, measure repeated only twice before vocals come in
- 9 measures in the intro; the extra measure builds anticipation
- Melty Land Nightmare has a aimilar chord progression the entire time, so to make emotional moments you need to set up contrasts. For example:
- 3:10 adds a new instrument and changes the drums
- Could half the speed of the chord progression, then double the speed
- Layer more instruments or change instruments
- Make a song that is only two or four chords the entire time