no signal stream 125


  • Add vent sound to main hallway
  • Add storage card?
  • Add sliding block puzzle to storage door?
  • Rotate skybox and directional light
  • Add door sounds
  • Add quarters hallway card scanners to top and bottom floors
  • Not all items have beacons set in Bobby scene (check drives and cards)
  • Make bobby computer cable sag more
  • “scap parts” “scrap parts” in bobby’s secret room dialog, also the room name needs to be updated
  • Stairs in quarters doesn’t work
  • Add overlay to quarter hallways

For later:

  • Sometimes the anchor point is wrong when you select an item, not sure how to reproduce.
  • Split elevator wall and gangway in reactor
  • Add audio when hovering over door or keypad
  • #14 shader instance parameter error
  • #15 Add OCR for handwritten notes
  • #16 Item highlight assist mode
  • #34 Add input remapping support
  • #43 Add option to toggle look and orbit controls
  • #44 Controller support
  • #45 Add shortcut for opening inventory
  • #46 Add scroll wheel input to number spin box