I have, up to this point, kept two different journals:

  • Indie Journal - About indie games I make, with a particular emphasis taking the time to explain problems I run into or mistakes I’ve made so that I can reference it next time I run into a similar problem.
  • Music Journal - About music theory study and the music I make.

However, I have not found this distinction to be particularly useful. This is because I create Subject Notes anyway when I want to summarize or focus on a particular topic and make the information more useful. Plus, it makes the Obsidian interface a bit more cumbersome as the daily notes button doesn’t know which of the two folders to add the new journal file.

Instead, I’d like to combine the two journals instead of one and treat the concept of a Journal as something that I use to write down things I encounter during my day.

This of course begs the question what the difference is between my Zettelkasten Note strategy. For now, I think I would like to treat journal entries as pertaining to projects or ongoing tasks while Zettelkasten notes should be used for one-off research or encounters that are not part of a longer ongoing task.

This is because I often want to see other recent entries in context of a longer project and that concern is less useful for one-off notes. In other words, Zettelkasten notes can reduce the noise in the journal entries.

Source: None