Encountered a weird problem in Godot. Consider the following code:
class_name VoiceBanks
const banks: Dictionary = {
"lemon": preload("res://prefabs/voice_player/voices/ava.tres")
static func lookup(key: String) -> VoiceBank:
if banks.has(key):
return banks[key]
return null
, even though it successfully finds the right VoiceBank
resource, fails with the error Trying to return value of type "Resource" from a function which the return type is "VoiceBank".
However, delaying the load until later works:
class_name VoiceBanks
const banks: Dictionary = {
"lemon": "res://prefabs/voice_player/banks/ava.tres"
static func lookup(key: String) -> VoiceBank:
if banks.has(key):
return load(banks[key])
return null
I’m not really sure why this is, but I’m guessing it has something to do with how Godot treats const