
A picture of the reactor room, which is lit in red lighting. The reactor is visible, a ladder to the right partially obscures the view, and there are a bunch of cables clamped to the floor.

A downward-facing picture of the same cables, this time from opposite direction and with white lighting. There are four different cables, all of which run over and under each other. Three of them connect to sockets near doors and the other runs off the screen.

I learned how to add procedural geometry using Godot’s built-in CSG tools and now I have wires and cables everywhere.

quick guide for how to do this

In Godot, first add a Path3D and give it a curve. Remember that you can use an orthographic view to make it easier to move and place new points on the curve!

A new scene in Godot with a single Path3D under the root Node3D. A curve has been set for the path.

Next, you’ll want to add a CSGPolygon3D. It represents a 2D shape that will be extruded to create a 3D one. Go ahead and customize the shape if you want to. In the screenshots I showed in the earlier post, I wrote a script that generates a circle, but for this example I’ll keep using the default square shape.

Then, change the mode to Path and set the path_node to the Path3D we created earlier:

The same scene, but this time a simple square has been extruded along the path.

And there you go! It kind of looks like an air duct. You can play around with the path settings in the CSGPolygon3D to get the shape/divisions you want.