This track was later released in future formant.
lonely love
Writing music with lyrics has long been a dream of mine, but for years and years I could never figure it out on my own. I wanted, earnestly, to write a song containing my feelings but I felt that everything I wrote was cringe as hell. So, I made it a goal last year and I started taking music lessons a few months ago to help with that.
I’ve been working on this producing this song for a while, to the extent that I missed my usual album release, ending my 8-year streak of releasing an album on my birthday. I feel like I’ve finally accomplished the goal of making a song with lyrics in it that doesn’t sound immediately and overwhelmingly cringe (at least to me). I’m happy to finally get here.
I hope you can enjoy it. Lyrics below the cut, there’s an HQ download on my Patreon, and you can find it on SoundCloud too.
looking for your text
pictures I took next
recall how it went
in my lonely love
x-ray, my mind
your gaze, those eyes
heart pierced, how kind
i cried, many times
things i would say back
you just had a knack
to know what i meant
in my lonely love
online, ghost touch
your voice, that sound
held close, so much
in warm tears i drowned
you say we never change
i tried to fix my ways
it can seem so strange when
things remain the same
online, ghost touch
your voice, that sound
held close, so much
in warm tears i drowned
you say we never change
tried to fix all my ways
but things remain
but things remain