📅 2023, week 5

exodrifter drifting asleep through a dark blue void

Whoops! Time to cool off a little. I think I feel overwhelmed because of several reasons:

  • I feel intimidated by how bad I feel about the the recorded data and I’m still not sure what I need to do to make it feel better to me.
  • I feel like I should upload my music to Spotify and the like so that people have more options for where to listen to my music, but I lose money doing this. I don’t make much from Bandcamp either, so I have a hard time justifying it.
  • I messed up redacting one of my videos so I ran out of bandwidth and I wasn’t able to upload all my videos in time for this post.
  • Over the weekend I got a bit of assistance with my computer to help my streams operate more smoothly, but there was a stressful point where I was worried I broke everything.

All of this combined makes me feel like I am doing too many things, doing all of them badly, and that I won’t get anywhere. I spent some time this weekend trying to relax more than usual (I had a really good time seeing Everything Everywhere All At Once in theaters this weekend and I think it is now one of my favorites), but I still feel a little dread from the energy requirement and difficulty of what I want to do. So, the schedule is a little light this week. I’m going to make up the inventory management stream I missed last week and doodle around in FL Studio for a bit, but that’s it. Both of the streams will probably be shorter than usual. I may do a stream on Friday if I feel better, but I’m not planning on it.

DescriptionCategoryTime (UTC +0)
rendering arbitrary shapesGame Dev2023-01-24 00:00
creating covers with synthvMusic2023-01-24 23:57
eco-anxiety writingGame Dev2023-01-27 18:05
expanse rpg: vtubers play cupbearer session 2TTRPG2023-01-28 18:09
rendering arbitrary shapesGame Dev2023-01-31 00:00
trying to make a song with synthvMusic2023-02-01 00:00
