
This post was originally intended for a Patreon audience.

IGF 2022 Gender Dysphoria Teaser

Gender Dysphoria has been submitted to IGF 2022! You can see the submission on the IGF website. One of the requirements in application was to provide a video, which was a really strange request for me to fulfill because I have no idea what to show. I mean, it’s mostly just a game with sound and text, so there isn’t really anything much to show off in my opinion.

Thankfully, the friend who encouraged me to submit my game gave a few ideas and I whipped up a quick teaser. I tried to intensify the disordered, chaotic nature of the game by quickly switching between all of the arcs you encounter in the game. Right now, the only other audience that can see this video are the judges for IGF 2022. I’m not sure if I should make this video public (I don’t think it’s very good), but I figured I’d at least share it with all of you since it’s something I worked on. If you think it’s good, let me know! Otherwise, I don’t think it’s likely to show up in public anytime soon, hahaha.

I had to work on a Windows computer for the first time in a long time to make this. The video editing tool I like to use (Camtasia) doesn’t work with WINE on Linux and I wasn’t able to find a suitable video editing tool for Linux that worked well. Thankfully, it wasn’t too painful since I had already set up a dedicated Windows computer for a different side project in the last few months. If you have any recommendations for simple video editing tools on Linux (all I need really is the ability to easily cut and arrange video clips and audio), I’d love to hear them!