
This post was originally intended for a Patreon audience.

Life Update

Hey, patrons! Things have been slow lately, so I wanted to give you a little update on how things are going over here.

My savings are a little… low, so I’ve been spending some time working on finding a job. I’ve had a few interviews with a place I’m looking forward to working with, so hopefully that works out!


Work on Access has been momentarily paused. The reason for this is because I’ve been spending a lot of time on programming assignments for my job search. However, Bridgette has still been working on the content changes for the first level and I’m planning on working on Access again this week. My hope is that we’ll have another playtest in a week or two’s time.


If you’ve been missing out on my livestreams, I’m currently working on a 30-60 minute music piece. It’s a personal challenge to myself to explore and improve my skills. Besides the obvious challenges of making something that long, it presents other interesting problems though.

For example, I have a free account on Soundcloud. Free accounts only allow you to upload a certain amount of music before you have to upgrade to a paid account. Right now that limit is 3 hours and I have 70 minutes left on my account. Uploading a very long song would be really taxing on that budget.

As much as I dislike the idea of removing content from my account (because it breaks links, it would disappear from people’s favorites, etc), my original plan was to slowly remove the least popular songs from my account as I needed the space. But, with a half hour to hour long piece, this would be more difficult to do.

So, I was thinking about making a short demo preview track instead, but I’m not sure how I’d feel about that either. Anyway, it’s just something that’s been on my mind lately.