
This post was originally intended for a Patreon audience.


I’ve been pretty busy lately with Hurricane Harvey and applying for a potential contract. Those are all “fun” and everything, but I finally got back to working on Access, which is great.

I finished working on pathfinding so you can move characters between rooms.

The psuedocode for the algorithm is pretty simple: It does a depth-first search for a potential path, then selects the shortest one.

The code for interpolating along the path is a little more complicated. First, I make a cache of how far along each way point on the path is and then save the total length of the path. With an interpolation value t, I can find out how far along the path I need to be, which I’ll call d. Once I have that, I need to find the two way points with cached distances that contain d. Then, I have to recalculate t so that I can linearly interpolate between the two way points for the final result. This is kind of hard to imagine just from reading, so I included some code below:

var distance = totalDistance * t
var index = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < distances.Length; ++i)
    if (distance <= distances[i])
        index = i;
// Calculate new t
var min = distances[index - 1];
var max = distances[index];
t = (distance - min) / (max - min);
return Vector2.Lerp(waypoints[index - 1], waypoints[index], t);

For now, pathfinding only works when invoked through a script so I can control the movement of characters on the screen during dialog. I will be adding GUI controls and “Access” information next.