future formant

future formant album art, which is a picture of a snowy hiking path surrounded by trees and bushes.

over the last two years, i spent a lot of time trying to get better at making music, in particular learning how to make music with lyrics. lyrics are something that i’ve wanted to add for a very long time, but i never felt like i could do it without a crushing feeling of cringe. with the help of music lessons and the magic of synthv, i feel like i’ve finally been able to do it.

usually, i try to release an album every year. but, between the journey to self-improve and working on a video game, i didn’t release one last year. i finally feel ready to share what i’ve been working on and i hope that the wait hasn’t been too long.

thanks for taking the time to listen!



  1. mountaintop 0:40
  2. the creek next to my home 5:54
  3. whale fall 3:22
  4. her reflection 1:59
  5. springtail 0:55
  6. lonely love 2:45
  7. bittersweet 3:01
  8. idea 5:02
  9. imagination 3:14

9 items under this folder.